Do Outer Worlds Support Mods?

the outer worlds mods

We’re near the point where we’ll get our hands on The Outer Worlds, Obsidian Entertainment’s latest leap into the RPG genre that builds heavily on their experience creating Fallout: New Vegas. The results are overwhelmingly positive, with many critics praising science fiction. It’s a single player game, and some players are used to being able to modify some of their RPG games through Steam. However, The Outer Worlds is only available on the Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store for PC at this time. Can players use mods?

Does The Outer Worlds support mods?

When the game is first launched, the developers will not have any mod support available for players to switch games. Typically, when a player wants to add a mod to their experience, they will change the environment. , a game mechanic or something in the files of his favorite title. Some communities have completely changed the data in a game to improve their experience.

Most of the developers of an RPG title accept these changes because it allows players to continue enjoying their game, but it doesn’t affect anyone else. The developers of Obsidian Entertainment want to support these creative communities. They want their players to have a good time in their game.

While mods won’t happen when the game first releases, the development team assures their community that they want to make it happen. Game co-director Leonard Boyarsky said, “We’d love the players to be able to tweak. We’re going to look at this after shipping, in terms of what kind of assistance we can have for this. ”
Boyarsky answered that question in a quick interview with GameInformer in February, which you can check out here in a video. For those players eagerly awaiting the release of mod support, you’re going to have to bite the bullet and wait for its release to the public.

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