Risk of Rain 2 Cheat Guide: Unlock All Character Cheats

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Risk of Rain 2 is one of the biggest independent success stories of recent years. There are tons of survivors to play that you normally unlock by completing in-game challenges. Some people have found how to unlock all the characters in a very cheeky way.

Now all the characters have their little challenges to unlock them, but while we were working hard, someone was working smart. This appears to be an issue inherited from the original Risk of Rain, which was a fairly well documented way to unlock in-game items. If the developers haven’t bridged the loophole between this game and this one, maybe this isn’t something they have a problem with?

Unlock all character cheats

First, make sure you aren’t running Risk of Rain 2. Now navigate to the Steam folder in your program files. From there, navigate to user data. There should only be one folder here, which matches your user ID. Click on it, then go to the 632360 folder. Now go to the Remote folder and then to the User Profiles folder. Here should be a single XML document. Back up this by making a copy of it on your desktop, just in case something is wrong.

Related:How To Kill The Final Boss In Risk Of Rain 2

Now open the XML file using Notepad and then scroll to the bottom. Once you’ve already played the game and unlocked an item, it should be easy to see where the unlocks are saved. You will see lines of code starting with <unlock>.

Now what you want to do is copy one of the lines of code below for each character that you haven’t unlocked yet. In this case, “Toolbot” is for MUL-T, and “Mage” is for the artificer.

  • <unlock> Characters.Huntress </unlock>
  • <unlock> Characters.Engineer </unlock>
  • <unlock> Characters.Mercenary </unlock>
  • <unlock> Characters.Mage </unlock>
  • <unlock> Characters.Toolbot </unlock>
  • <unlock> Characters.Loader </unlock>
  • <unlock> Characters.Treebot </unlock>
  • <unlock> Characters.Croco </unlock>
  • <unlock> Characters.Captain </unlock>

As long as you put the lines of code between the last line <stat name> and </stats>, everything should work fine.

Now save the file, start the game, and the characters should be unlocked for you. Obviously, this is not what the developers wanted, and the usual caveats about cheating being in bad manners apply.

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